The House

Harristown House Georgian Decor 18th Century


Harristown House is available for hire whether it is for a family occasion or as a business venue. Relax in the elegant surroundings of a Georgian house and let the tranquillity of a different era wash over you. The downstairs rooms will accommodate 200 people whilst upstairs the house provides 6 double rooms with bathrooms. You will be surrounded by elegant antique furniture and the views of the Liffey or the parkland will revive your spirits. The bedrooms and bathrooms have been refurbished to give you the comforts of modern living in a Georgian setting.


Public Opening Dates 2023

To book please contact. 087 2588775


Groups by prior appointment. Last tour 12.15pm. €10 per person.

06th - 10th February, 9am - 1pm (Mon - Fri)

20th -24th February, 9am - 1pm (Mon - Fri)

20th - 31st March, 9am - 1pm (Mon - Fri)

02 - 21st May, 9am - 1pm (Mon - Sun)

06th 22nd June, 9am - 1pm (Mon - Fri)

12th - 2oth August, 9am - 1pm (Mon - Sun)